Not An Audiophile – The Podcast

Not An Audiophile The Podcast – Inside HiFi. We get inside the heads of those inside the world of HiFi from Designers, engineers and manufacturers to installers, technicians and salespeople. Guests reveal secrets, offer opinions, insights and a dose of the personalities that make the gear that makes your music.

Episode 024 – HiFi Reviews with Soundstage Australia and Edgar Kramer. The personality and stories behind the man with his finger on the pulse of HiFi.

Anyone who is anyone in HiFi has at some stage been reviewed by Edgar Kramer. Anyone who is interested in HiFi has read, listened to and been informed by product reviews by Edgar Kramer.

Who is this man, who wields his power to influence the future of brands so very carefully? Edgar Kramer chats about HiFi gear, music and the morality of HiFi reviewing.

Episode Sponsored by Spectraflora

Episode 023 – 1 simple step to Speaker and Room Correction with DEQX and designer, Kim Ryrie.

Become a “DEQXpert”. Design your own crossover filters in your current speakers and make a passive crossover active using the DEQX. Or add the DEQX into your existing HiFi set up as a preamp and correct inherent issues in the passive crossover frequency and group delay. Correct intrinsic room acoustics issues in your favourite listening area using DEQX technology.

Kim Ryrie, currently designs and engineers the revolutionary DEQX products. Kim goes deep into the creation and engineering of the DEQX concept, timing alignment, phase linearity, impulse responses, crossover errors, room measurements and more. .

Episode Sponsored by Spectraflora

Episode 022 – Turntables and vinyl sound quality with Mark Dohmann of Dohmann Audio. All your questions answered…

Cartridge compliance, tracking force and tonearm alignment – why they are so important. Best turntable, tonearm and cartridge combos. The top 5 points affecting turntable sound. Why the quality of turntable leads are critical.

How technology has solved the vibration isolation problem and how Dohmann Audio Helix One and Helix Two turntables are changing the way you experience analogue.

Easy improvements for everyday users including record & stylus cleaning, set up, platter mats, and much, much more…

Episode Sponsored by Spectraflora

Episode 021 – Music 5 best tracks or albums. Two HiFi professionals with polar opposite tastes in music hold an opinion party on what constitutes good music.

Featuring the 5 best tracks/albums you must know to hold an educated conversation about music – or to test a decent stereo system – or to celebrate life. Backed up by our Tidal Playlist! and many more of our opinions…


Episode Sponsored by Stereonet

Episode 020 – Subwoofers – Inside the “no compromise” design, attitude and engineering of Harbottle Audio.

Cody Hiebert of Harbottle Audio brings his based-in-science, and take-no-prisoners attitude to the seat and tells us what it actually takes to make the greatest subwoofers.

Designing, engineering, manufacturing – everything is done in-house. A tech talk on all aspects of subwoofer design internal, external and how a good sub affects your entire system.

Episode 019 – Fairlight synthesizer – Two Australians, the world’s greatest CMI and one barking dog. The first ever sample of a dog’s bark went on to symbolize the transformative power of digital sampling and introduced technology that revolutionised music making. Kim Ryrie, co-designer of the Fairlight synthesizer casually chats about this defining moment in music history.

In Part One, Kim Ryrie tells us his personal story which is also the story of the Fairlight. The iconic sound of the 1980s owes much of its character to the Fairlight’s groundbreaking technology and the momentous opportunities this technology allowed. The rest, as they say, is history…

SEASON 1 Episodes 001 to 018

Episode 018 – 2024 HiFi News wrap up – VOTED 2024 best sound -Stax SR-X9000 Headphones and Acapella Loudspeakers feature in the “blew me away” category. DISCUSSION – Mend It Mark, Tom Evans Audio and shockingly poor “Fisher Price” style amp construction. “Olde Worlde, cobbled together bullsh*t” and the “Streisand Effect”.

OPINIONS – Our hosts name HiFi brands that are outrageously favoured and over-exposed by HiFi media vs brands they believe to be amazing but ignored. Also, do people care where HiFi is made? A qualified technician says “9 out of 10 brands coming out of china are “utter rubbish internally”. 2025 PREDICTIONS Will corporate aggregation continue to eat up small HiFi brands?

Episode 017 – HiFi Cable Guru, Matthew Bond debunks popular cable myths and discusses in detail the intricacies of HiFi cable technology and construction.

Andrew Hutchison believes that cable lifters are the “stupidest” piece of HiFi bullsh**t” but Matthew Bond and Brad Serhan have some theories and science that may disagree. Discussing burn-in processes, and debunking cable myths including claims of different cables having different “timing”, directional cables and cryogenic treatments.

Episode 016 – Creek Audio: Mike Creek presents the inside story of 40+ years for Creek Audio amplifiers. UK built but world renown.

Deep dive into the technical aspects of amplifier design when Mike explains the CAS 4040 that defied conventions with its class B design. He shares the unconventional marketing tactics that set the brand apart, such as maintaining exclusivity by limiting distribution and how Creek continues to be a success today.

Episode 015 – Bose = McIntosh? Stupidest HiFi tweaks? Kooky audio ideas & HiFi regrets? NEWS Andrew & David can’t decide how the Bose takeover of McIntosh Group could ever be a good thing for HiFi. OPINIONS The stupidest “improvements” in HiFi inc special bi-wire links?

DISCUSSION Kooky audio ideas no longer around including colouring CDs with a special green pen to improve sound quality? REGRETS HiFi regrets -both Andrew and David regret disposing of turntables but David wins the saddest turntable disposal story….

Episode 014 – HiFi Acoustics: Big improvements in HiFi sound from small changes. Have you ever wanted to sell your speakers and try something else because they just don’t sound the way you thought they would? Maybe the something else you should try is acoustics.

David Spargo in Part 2 talks about the intricacies of how the brain perceives sound and practical changes you can make to take advantage of the system you love in the space you have.

Episode 013 – UK made HiFi Amplifiers: HiFi legend, Douglas Self consults with Kleio Audio to create award winning amplifiers. Garry Wise founder of Kleio Audio “..I read the book by Douglas Self – Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook. I got a page in and didn’t understand it…so I decided to email this Douglas Self guy and got a reply 24 hours later…and he talked me into a separate pre and power amp…..”

With the help of Douglas Self, a solid aluminium chassis and new colour coating technology, award winning pre and integrated amplifiers by Kleio Audio are making great looking music. 

Episode 012 – News in HiFi: News, Releases, Views & Opinions RELEASE The release of the new Wharfedale Super Lintons. QUESTION Why does your perception of sound change while you’re listening? Bad sound becomes good sound over time…..

DISCUSSION The resurgence of retro HiFi – is the original better than the re-imagined 70’s reproductions? OPINIONS You CANNOT choose HiFi by specifications alone – strong opinions on why comparing specs is not the same as comparing sound. NEWS Tidal – streaming the rise and fall?

Episode 011 – Ralph Waters from Richter Acoustics Part 2 – believing that loudspeakers should sound like music.

“One of the great delusions of the HiFi Industry is that loudspeaker designers are making something that sounds like music. We are illusionists..” Ralph Waters has a candid conversation about his philosophies on loudspeaker design and on life and shares strong opinions on sound vs music.

ralph waters brad serhan michael henrikson sound and image awards 1992

Episode 010 – Stereonet Show 2024 – Chris Allman from Allclear Audio, the cartridge re tipper and Kim Ryrie from DEQX. Roving reporter – Brad Serhan speaks to Chris Allman from Allclear Audio about re-tipping cartridges. Kim Ryrie from DEQX and co-inventor of the Fairlight Synthesiser chats about his new DSP/ equalizer,/ pre amp and DAC products.

Episode 009 – Andrew Hutchison on Dellichord design decisons. Andrew talks about the newest Dellichord model, the 70S – a nod to the 70s era – simpler loudspeaker design with easy listening in mind. Andrew talks about the various controversial decisions in this model

1. to use Birch Plywood instead of veneered MDF. 2. to offer a variety of purchase options including some DIY and allow purchasers to become part of the creative process of their loudspeakers. 3. To keep unnecessary “bling” to a minimum and just focus on premium sound at a reasonable price.

andrew hutchison designer at dellichord loudspeakers at melbourne hifi show 2023

Episode 008 – David Spargo – Acoustician. Working with Musicians, Neville Thiele & room acoustics. Part 1 Step into the fascinating world of audio engineering with David Spargo, a master acoustician whose journey through the recording industry is as rich as the sounds he helps create.

In our latest podcast episode on Not An Audiophile, David shares his experiences from the early days to becoming a pivotal figure in the world of vinyl mastering and acoustics.

david spargo enjoying the company of floyd toole and neville theile

Episode 007 – Ralph Waters founder of Richter Acoustics – On believing in Australian design and resilience. Part 1 Ralph talks about his beginnings in teaching and psychology to become a pioneer in the Australian HiFi and audio industry.

Ralph shares his insights and stories about the challenges and triumphs of building a brand in Australia that thrives and sets standards still today.

ralph waters from richter and brad serhan from orpheus loudspeakers early days

Episode 006 – Morris Swift from Serhan Swift & Electronics past and present. Morris Swift from Serhan Swift chats to Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord about how he ended up in electronics instead of medicine. He reminds us how much things have changed, how fast it happens and how HiFi has become somehow less expensive.

Two loudspeaker designers cover the fun, rewards, difficulties and costs associated with designing, engineering, manufacturing and small volume selling loudspeakers in Australia. Comparing perceptions vs reality including trying to support Australian made raw materials and processes and how difficult that is in reality.

morris swift half of serhan swift and the mu2 and mu3

Episode 005 – Jon De Sensi, OAD Ultrafidelity HiFi amplifiers, Australian made with a fully CNC machined aluminium chassis. Jon De Sensi, designer and engineer of OAD Ultrafidelity Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord and Brad Serhan from Serhan Swift discuss this “staggeringly” amazing HiFi preamplifier and amplifier.

Fully CNC chassis and remote control of premium grade aluminium. Australian Made and sporting some world-firsts including the world’s first known use of Power Supply Slit Foil Electrolytic Audio Capacitors.

jon desensi australian made hifi amplifier maker oad ultra fidelity

Episode 004 – Brad Serhan & Orpheus Loudspeakers. Continuing the story of Orpheus 1990 and beyond.– Brad Serhan from Orpheus Loudspeakers and Serhan Swift with Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord tells us how the Orpheus Minotaur became the go-to speaker for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, EMI Mastering Studios/ Studios301 and Channels Seven and Ten.

Brad Serhan introduces Kiat Low from Duntech, working with Orpheus, road trips, bed bugs and great opportunities for HiFi in the 90’s and 2000’s.

Episode 003 – Alan March, March Audio & Rolls Royce Jet Engines. – Alan March, designer and engineer for March Audio discusses with Brad Serhan from Serhan Swift and Andrew Hutchsion from Dellichord how a background in jet engine testing with Rolls Royce helps when designing high quality HiFi amplifiers and loudspeakers.

Inside the head of an English engineer designing HiFi equipment in Australia – his passion for the intricacies of sound design, innovation, experimentation and his unique HiFi products.

Episode 002 – Matthew Bond, TARA Labs & Matthew Bond Audio – Matthew Bond, designer and engineer of the original TARA Labs cables in Australia, is now designing audio cables at the pinnacle of innovation as Matthew Bond Audio in Oregon USA.

Matthew Bond with Brad Serhan from Serhan Swift and Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord goes deep inside the intricacies of high quality HiFi cables and how one small step made TARA Labs a household name worldwide and forced a move to America.

Episode 001 – Brad Serhan & Orpheus Loudspeakers 1984 and beyond– Renowned loudspeaker designer, Brad Serhan from Orpheus Loudspeakers and Serhan Swift with Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord allows us inside the concept and design of his first loudspeaker brand, Orpheus.

How friends in HiFi such as Ralph Waters from Richter Audio and Len Wallis Audio helped get Orpheus off the ground. A who’s who and history of HiFi in Australia from one of Australia’s great loudspeaker designers.

brad serhan at sydney hifi show 2023