S1E011 Ralph Waters – Richter Acoustics. Loudspeakers should sound like music – a candid conversation. Part 2

Ralph Waters from Richter Acoustics believes that “One of the great delusions of the HiFi Industry is that loudspeaker designers are making something that sounds like music. We are illusionists..” Ralph Waters has a candid conversation about his philosophies on loudspeaker design and on life and shares strong opinions on sound vs music.


“The HiFi Industry I found intensely interesting, the fact that the vast majority of the people involved in the industry were quirky, were peculiar, were esoteric, were extremely individualistic, were colourful, were on many occasions utterly bizzare…”

“I’ve made some dogs (loudspeakers). If you make a dog, best thing to do is to shoot it and bury it and move on”

“I’ve never heard a speaker that sounded like music.”

“The best loudspeaker is just the one that creates a stronger emotion.”

“People who believe they have perfect speakers I think, spend too much time listening to speakers instead of listening to music”

“I think, if you ever get to the point where you say I’m happy with that speaker you’re about to end your career as a speaker designer.”

“(Designing loudspeakers) is a bit like panning for gold, you remain hopeful that you will find that giant nugget”

“It’s very interesting that you had a personal experience with the Garrott Brothers… I feel like because they were involved with cartridges that they were mailing them in and out. I’m not sure anyone had actually met them except you, Ralph”

Ralph Waters episodes, transcripts, history and pics on Not An Audiophile.

People mentioned on this episode –

Ralph Waters – Richter Acoustics
Brad Serhan – Serhan Swift
Andrew Hutchison – Dellichord
Richard Small – Thiele/Small Parameters
David Frith – Sydney Morning Herald
Ron Cooper
Peter Stein & Tina Stein – ME Amplifiers

The Garrott Brothers- John & Brian Garrott – cartridges

Brands mentioned on this episode

Richter Acoustics – Richter Wizard
Serhan Swift
AUSFI – Australian HiFi Manufacturer’s Guild
Audio Definition – loudspeakers

Businesses mentioned on this episode
Sydney Opera House
Len Wallis Audio

Music courtesy of –

Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/please-listen-carefully
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/GGVFRIgP7uc


Guest management, regular co-hosting – Brad Serhan

Host, audio production – Andrew Hutchison