Author: admin
S1 EP016 Creek Audio – Mike Creek tells the inside story of 40+ years of the renown UK amplifier brand.
In the world of high-fidelity audio, few names resonate as strongly as Creek Audio. The latest episode of our podcast takes you on an enthralling journey with Mike Creek, the visionary behind this iconic brand. From a modest start to becoming a household name, Mike shares the trials, triumphs, and serendipitous moments that shaped Creek…
S1 EP015 – News in HiFi 2: Bose = McIntosh? Stupid HiFi tweaks; kooky audio ideas & HiFi regrets
The takeover of McIntosh Group by Bose – Andrew Hutchison and David Corazza can’t see how this controversial move will be good for HiFi. The “stupidest” modifications or tweaks inc fancy bi-wiring links – so many people will argue to the death that there is vast improvement in sound when you use these. Kooky audio…
S1 EP014 HiFi Acoustics – Big improvements in HiFi sound from small changes.
Have you ever wanted to sell your speakers and try something else because they just don’t sound the way you thought they would? Maybe the something else you should try is acoustics. “The result was….”Oh, my God, Oh, my God, Oh, my God. What did you do!” What David Spargo from Praxis Acoustics did was…
Stereonet Melbourne HiFi Show 2024 Podcast Transcript Images
Not An Audiophile – The Podcast Live from the Melbourne HiFi Show 2024. Roving reporter, Brad Serhan gets the vibe of the show and chats to two great characters of the show. Chris Allman from Allclear Audio is a new cartridge re-tipper in Australia who is re-making rather than simply re-tipping. Brad also catches up…
Garry Wise Podcasts Transcripts Images
Not An Audiophile – The Podcast featuring podcast episodes with Garry Wise from Kleio Audio. Garry chats to Andrew Hutchison about his need for a headphone amplifier that started the long journey to the Kleio brand of pre and power amplifiers. With some help from author Douglas Self, Garry has created a high end, Kent-centric…
S1 EP013 UK made HiFi Amplifiers: HiFi legend, Douglas Self consults with Kleio Audio to create award winning amplifiers.
You want to create a HiFi amplifier but don’t know where to start? You email the renowned author, Douglas Self and get tips from the best. That’s what Garry Wise, founder of Kleio Audio did to create his own range of pre and power amplifiers. Now several years in, Garry is passionate about keeping his…
S1 EP012 News in HiFi: News, Releases, Views & Opinions
DO NOT buy HiFi based on specifications – David and Andrew have strong opinions on choosing HiFi based on specifications. They’re recommendation is DON’T DO IT and many examples are given of gear with similar specs but different sound profiles – The place of specifications in your HiFi choices. The release of the embargo on…
News in HiFi: Podcast, Transcripts, Images
Not An Audiophile – The Podcast features News in HiFi: News, Releases, Views & Opinions – a regular segment offering discussions and strong opinions on HiFi News, New Releases, Trends and Misconceptions by HiFi professionals. EPISODE 012 – Andrew Hutchison & David Corazza – * NEW RELEASE Wharfedale Super Linton Loudspeakers * DO NOT choose…
Andrew Hutchison Podcasts Transcripts Images
Not An Audiophile – The Podcast featuring Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord loudspeakers. As well as hosting Not An Audiophile, Andrew designs for Dellichord and chats about his loudspeaker design philosophies. In this episode, we specifically explore Andrew’s step back to a time where sound quality was the ultimate goal in a loudspeaker. With the 70S…
David Spargo Podcasts Transcripts Images
Not An Audiophile – The Podcast featuring David Spargo, master acoustician. His pursuit of knowledge led him to Sydney University, where he studied audio acoustics under famous Neville Thiele. Under Thiele’s mentorship, David explored the theoretical aspects of sound reproduction, eventually co-presenting Thiele’s loudspeaker design course at the University. This experience highlights the importance of…